Prosecutor princess ost
Prosecutor princess ost

prosecutor princess ost prosecutor princess ost

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prosecutor princess ost

Sounding like nineties Britney Spears might not sound like a ringing endorsement but let's face it, we've all got a Britney Spears hit hidden somewhere in our music collection, and this girl power pop anthem from Seo In Young and rookie girl group Nine Muses is pretty much too happy and appropriate for Kim So Yeon's character to dislike. The song that leaves the deepest impression in the drama's early episodes though has to be ending theme Give Me, which completely channels Britney Spears circa 1998. SHINee's fresh vocals and image match the uplifting lyrics and brisk contemporary pop melody, and even the obligatory rap portions fit well into the song thanks to the cheesy background vocals and energetic piano and synth arrangement that set the tone for the piece. Prosecutor Princess's theme song Fly High is as unabashedly trendy and perky as the heroine's fabulous high heels, though it still comes across more subtle than Boys Over Flowers theme Paradise. This balance of bubbly angst and melodramatic lightness is captured in the drama's catchy score and soundtrack crafted by Oh Joon Sung, the music director of Boys Over Flowers. Despite the seriousness of the tragedy, deceit, and romance connecting Kim So Yeon's bumbling but self-aware heroine and Park Si Hoo's flippant, brooding lawyer, Prosecutor Princess doesn't turn to the kind of teary treachery and alarming melodrama that undermine many a Korean drama in the later episodes, and instead reaffirms empathy for and among the characters when the worst is revealed. It follows the Korean drama protocol of starting out fluffy and ending up angsty, but the way the story takes its heroine, a flighty and fashionable public prosecutor who would make Elle Woods proud, down the path of personal growth and emotional awakening is refreshingly warm and perceptive. Out of all the 2010 spring K-Dramas that consumed too much of my time, Prosecutor Princess is the one I was saddest to see end.

Prosecutor princess ost